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2015/4/17 11:07:20 人评论

Prefab houses are environmentally friendly, of good quality and ideal for people on a limited budget or want a house that will not take months or even years to finish.

Prefab houses or Modular houses are built mostly in a factory then shipped to the site for final assembly. This form of construction or assembly has provided the prefab house with many benefits such as minimized waste, reduced construction timelines, limited exposure to the elements, fixed cost, less use of skilled laborers and limited site impact.

One of the most important benefits of prefab houses is that they are time efficient and cost efficient. A Prefab house would cost between 20% to 30% less than a normal house due to the fact that all the prefabricated parts such as the walls and windows are constructed uniformly and in the same factory.  The lower cost of production is due to the fact that modules are usually mass produced and of the same design which makes it possible for a home owner to choose from a variety of designs which saves a great deal of cost in terms of labor and material as well as time.

The amount it takes to complete a prefab house is much less than a conventional house as it is possible to go from an empty land to a fully functional house in a period of three months.

Nothing goes to waste and since all prefab houses are constructed in a factory; materials are being used continually which results in an overall waste diversion up to 85 percent. The construction within the factory has provided these houses with another benefit which is Limited exposure of materials to weather and contaminants.  Building in a controlled, indoor environment translates to less risk of weather damage, mold and other pollutants, making for a sturdier, healthier home.

Less equipment and construction vehicles are needed for the construction and assembly which decreases costs and the environmental hazards from fumes and smokes. They also require less energy for heating and cooling as they have an excellent insulation system, which leads to less waste produced as well.

All in all prefab houses are environmentally friendly, of good quality and ideal for people on a limited budget or want a house that will not take months or even years to finish.

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