What are the advantages of residential containers?
2024/7/4 11:43:05How to pay attention to fire prevention in prefabricated house?
2024/5/10 17:11:10How to turn a shipping container into an office.
2024/2/21 14:23:35The versatility of expanded container houses in modern architecture.
2023/12/8 17:28:15Understanding safety hazards in container house.
2024/9/14 16:59:50The cost of prefab houses is relatively high. That’s mainly reflected in two aspects: The first one is process cost. The construction process of prefab house requires complicated technology. The initial investment of R&D and production equipment …
2020/1/7 17:08:42The pros and cons of living in a shipping container home.
2024/3/14 16:53:06Introducing shipping container homes – the modern way to live.
2024/1/29 15:45:25Ways shipping containers are used around college campuses.
2023/9/27 15:23:46A prefab pool house is easy to customize.
2023/6/16 16:24:24Types of insulation for shipping container home.
2022/12/30 14:26:39enquiry